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Refund Policy

The following warranty applies to all products purchased from Swedish Bitters Herb Company:

If you, as an Swedish Bitters Herb Company customer, are not satisfied with the quality of any of our products, we will refund the purchase price of the product (excluding shipping and insurance where applicable), following the receipt of your Refund Request.

Allow 2 weeks for processing your request. Your refund will be processed in accordance with your instructions on our Refund / Exchange Request Form.

Additional Requirements:

Requests must be made within the first 90 days of receipt.

Refund requests that have a basis in a deficiency in the product, functionally or in terms of performance. This deficiency must be spelled out in the Refund Request.

No refund request will be honored if a user acts upon false information from a practitioner not familiar with Swedish Bitters Herb Company products and their proper use, where the end user and/or the practitioner has will fully failed to contact us for correct information or has failed to follow our protocols.

Contact Info
Phone: (660) 463-2158
Fax: (660) 463-2159
Toll-Free: (800) 944-1511
Swedish Bitters Herb Company
110 Bismark Street, Concordia, MO 64020